natural gas prices
Musings from the Oil Patch – September 13, 2011
Lifting the price
The decoupling of oil and gas prices that’s occurring in the mature US markef heralds a progressive gas price decoupling from oil throughout the world. However, outside North America the world has been slow to adapt to this change. Here, Ruud Weijermars and Crispian McCredie, Alboran Energy Strategy Consultants, look at the worldwide pace of decoupling and its implications for future gas pricing. (more…)
Musings from the Oil Patch – January 4, 2011
Musings from the Oil Patch – December 21, 2010
- EIA Forecasts More Shale Gas Resources And Greater Use
- Natural Gas Vehicles And Hybrids Fighting For Market Share
- Canadian Study Tries To Start Adult Discussion Of Oil Sands
- Hurricane Forecast Calls 2011 Potentially Worse Than 2010
- Climate Conference Ends With Minimal Accomplishments
- Administration’s Auto Mandates Raise Costs And Emissions
- A Merger Of Canada And The U.S. Merely Fiction?