Alboran Energy Strategy Consutlatns

Japan’s aging businessman’s succession problem

  • Energy Musings, January 10, 2023

    Energy Musings contains articles and analyses dealing with important issues and developments within the energy industry, including historical perspective, with potentially significant implications for executives planning their companies’ future. While published every two weeks, events and travel may alter that schedule. I welcome your comments and observations. Allen Brooks

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    January 10, 2023

    Demographics Will Create An Unforeseen New World Order

    We have been warned for years about the impending retirement of the Boomer generation, but seldom has anyone focused on how significant this event will be for our economy and society. A higher cost of capital due to fewer workers will drive interest rates up for years with impacts READ MORE

    Energy Stocks Had A Terrific 2022, But What About 2023?

    What have you done for us lately will be the initial 2023 view of investors more interested in flashy gadgets and social software? Few investors expect a third consecutive year as the top-performing S&P 500 sector, but if oil prices mirror the early 2000s trend, we may be surprised. READ MORE

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