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Bonneville Power Authority
By Allen Brooks on June 21, 2011
Future Of Petroleum Framed By Politics And Economics Environmentalists Hit BOEMRE With Suit Over Gulf Permits Green Energies Clash And Suffer Under Renewable Mandate Is High Unemployment Destined As The New Normal? People Starting To Connect Dots Of Renewable Energy Cost U.S. Hurricane Forecast Explains How 2011 Could Be Worse read more Source: Energy Musings
Posted in Energy Musings | Tagged 2011 hurricane forecast, AccuWeather, Appomattox prospect, Arab spring, Block Island offshore wind, BOEMRE, Bonneville Power Authority, commodity prices, Corps of Engineers, DeepWater Wind, hydroelectric power, ImpactWeather, Israeli peace with Egypt, Luddite Fallacy, Macondo, Musings From the Oil Patch, National Resources Defense Council, OCS lease sales, oil prices, OPEC, salmon and steelhead fish, Saudi Aramco accelerated transformation program, Shell Oil, unemployment, wind power