— Oil- and gas related Software and Analysis applications
Joost van der Linden worked as a project assistant at Alboran during the period February 2011 – July 2012. He transformed a paper questionnaire on corporate performance in an interactive Excel program, which was used during a management meeting of several major Russian oil- and gas companies. In addition, he developed an interactive Excel tool to measure the impact of different price and production functions on the net profit of a gas field exploitation. The results were used in a case-study paper about the Haynesville shale play, co-authored with Dr. Ruud Weijermars. Joost also served as an editorial assistant in the start-up phase of Energy Strategy Reviews, managing e-mail traffic with authors, reviewers, publishers and the editorial board.
During his time at Alboran, Joost completed his BSc in Applied Mathematics with honors at the Delft University of Technology. He is currently pursuing a MSc degree in the same area, with a specialization in numerical analysis. Joost’s time at Alboran has inspired him to focus on oil- and gas related applications, completing an internship at the IBM Watson Research Center in September – November 2012. In the Energy and Petroleum Analytics department, he contributed to a novel optimization approach in reservoir engineering. Joost is currently working as an INTERSECT software intern at the Schlumberger Abingdon Technology Center, aiming to finish his MSc thesis by December 2013.