Musings From The Oil Patch, June 25, 2013

Popular Symbol Of Global Warming May Not Be Threatened What China’s “Small City-ization” Does For Energy Demand? Three Cheers For The U.S. Oil Industry! Hold The Predictions How To Deal With Climate Change And Rising Sea Levels Read article »

Musings From The Oil Patch, June 11, 2013

Canadian Oil Forecast Highlights Challenges Facing Industry Battle Over Industrial-Size Wind Turbines In Rhode Island Global Warming Proponents Jump On Recent Tornadoes The Forces Eating Away At Gasoline Demand Alternatives Issue May Reflect Energy Executive Confusion Self-Driving Cars May Be Years Away From Hitting The Road Read article »

Musings From The Oil Patch, May 28, 2013

Three Cheers For Mom And Other Road Trip Observations Stocks On A Tear; Energy Doing Well; Market Overvalued? Addressing The Economic Growth Challenges Of Europe Second LNG Terminal Okayed; Gas Export Debate Ongoing Read article »

Musings From The Oil Patch – May 24, 2013

Here Come The Millennials – Good For Energy Demand? Activist Shareholder Exposes Shale Loss For Hess Energy Is It A World Of Plenty Or Old Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard? The Car Of The Future – Relax It Drives Itself Canada’s Oil Sands, Al Gore And The Ethics Of Oil Random Energy Thoughts Read article »

Musings From the Oil Patch, April 30, 2013

Here We Go Again – EPA Slams State Dept. Keystone EIS It’s Not Urban, But It Is How Energy Legends Are Created Announcement Of Saudi Government Change Ignored Gas, Gas And More Gas – Domestic Resource Base Expands Oil Industry On Alert – Active Hurricane Season Forecast Random Energy Thoughts Read article »

Musings From the Oil Patch, April 16, 2013

Obama Not Lacking Advice About Keystone XL Decision China And The Importance Of The South China Sea Do Two Months Make A Trend? Are Our Metrics Wrong? James Hansen Retires From NASA To Become An Activist Economics And Variability Of Renewables Hurting Mandates Random Energy Thoughts: Déjà Vu All Over Again? Read article »

Musings From the Oil Patch, April 4, 2013

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Musings From the Oil Patch, March 19, 2013

Keystone XL: Did He Or Didn’t He? Will He Or Won’t He? Natural Gas: The Debate Over Whether To Export LNG California: Can Green Jobs Create Land Of Milk And Honey? Get Your Mice Ready – Electric Vehicles Are Not Cutting It Natural Gas Output Falls In December; Start Of A Trend? The Greed Of […]

Musings From the Oil Patch, March 5, 2013

Building Sand Castles: BSEE’s Regulatory Over-Reach Will Barnett Shale Study End Debate Over Gas Outlook? Public Relations Battle Over Keystone Pipeline Ramps Up New EU Offshore Drilling Rules May Slow Future Activity Polar Bears And Climate Change Becoming Top Issues U.S. Gas Prices Soar, Elsewhere Buyers Get Subsidies Read article »

Musings From the Oil Patch, February 19, 2013

PwC Says Shale Oil “The Next Energy Revolution” – Really? Is The End Of The Chinese Economic Miracle In Sight? Australia Is The New Cheers – Nobody Knows Your Name Natural Gas Output Growth Frustrating All Forecasters The Power Of Tax Incentives On Wind Promoter Activities Does Punxsutawney Phil Lead Or Follow The Weather? Read […]

Musings From the Oil Patch, January 28, 2013

Saudi King’s Moves: Sign Of The Future Or Due To Concern? High Oil Prices Drive Continued Shale Investments In U.S. Shale Revolution Leads To Rebirth Of Rail Transportation Hydraulic Fracturing Issue Encounters Protests And Movies Demographics And Futurists Seek To Help Auto Business WEF Sees Little Change In The Risks World Faces In 2013 Read […]

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