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  • Energy Musings, September 1, 2023

    Energy Musings contains articles and analyses dealing with important issues and developments within the energy industry, including historical perspective, with potentially significant implications for executives planning their companies’ future.

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    September 1, 2023

    NJ Calls It “Choice” But It Is Really About “Free Money”

    The Governor of New Jersey is telling his residents that the legislation to ban the sale of internal combustion vehicles by 2035 is all about improving their choices in buying cars. Buy used or go next door are the answers for those who do not want an EV or hybrid. His climate director gave away the game: there is so much free money residents would be short-changing themselves if they didn’t grab some of it. Washington’s money printing press drives government policies. READ MORE

    Last Tuesday’s Duds For Offshore Wind

    BOEM’s Gulf of Mexico offshore wind lease sale received only two bids for the single Louisiana lease offered, while the two leases off Texas received no bids. The offshore wind movement took a hit. There are numerous reasons why developers were reluctant to bid. The same day, leading offshore wind developer Ørsted announced a $2.3 billion impairment of its U.S. offshore wind portfolio, the second impairment in 12 months. Inflation, capital costs, and reduced subsidies are the reason. The company is having similar problems with its North Sea projects. Ørsted’s stock fell by 25% as investors question if the bad news is over. READ MORE

    August Market Doldrums Are Over And Energy Did Well

    Energy was the best-performing sector for August, giving the sector a second consecutive month in the top spot. Fundamentals for the sector continue to improve, which enabled oil prices to rise over August. It appears global oil demand is growing, and supply is restrained supporting higher oil prices and energy company earnings, which drive stock prices. The balance of 2023 may see these trends continue. Enjoy the ride. READ MORE

    NJ Calls It “Choice” But It Is Really About “Free Money”

    New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is a big green energy promoter. As the Wall Street Journal pointed out in an editorial, he wants to force residents to buy electric vehicles (EV) to save the planet. He has pushed the state to adopt California’s ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by 2035, barely over a decade from now. Murphy has not only championed EVs, but he also led the charge to give the state’s share of federal tax revenues from offshore wind destined for residents’ pocketbooks back to Ørsted, the Danish developer of the Ocean Wind project which has become a lightning rod of political outrage.

    By wanting to burnish his green credentials, Murphy pushed to have New Jersey, one of the 17 states that routinely follow California’s auto standards, join the dozen states that have also signed onto the ban on ICE vehicle sales. Murphy is selling his proposal as expanding the vehicle choice options for residents while disguising the reality that their ability to purchase a new ICE vehicle is going to be restricted as the state heads toward the 2035 ban.

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  • Energy Musings, August 28, 2023

    Energy Musings contains articles and analyses dealing with important issues and developments within the energy industry, including historical perspective, with potentially significant implications for executives planning their companies’ future.

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    August 28, 2023

    The Frozen Climate Views Of The IPCC

    The CLINTEL Foundation has published a book examining key sections of the IPCC’s AR6 report based on research by a team of climate scientist members. The team looked at 13 key topics supporting the IPCC’s narrative that CO2 is single-handedly destroying the planet’s climate. The CLINTEL team identified examples (there are many) where the IPCC ignored important climate data and studies because they undercut the CO2 narrative. This is an important book and should be read by everyone interested in understanding the climate change issue, the science supporting onerous climate change policies, and how nature plays a role that is being ignored by the IPCC. READ MORE

    The Frozen Climate Views Of The IPCC

    In May, the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) published a book analyzing portions of the latest climate assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We recently completed reading the 181-page book, The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC, and recommend everyone should read it for a more balanced assessment of the state of the climate change issue. The book illuminates scientific evidence and studies ignored by the IPCC because they might undercut the narrative of CO2 single-handedly destroying the planet’s climate. The book is available at the usual spots – Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc., but you also can download a copy from the foundation’s website.

    Exhibit 1. A Treasure Trove Of Climate Clarity

    Source: CLINTEL

    Netherlands-based CLINTEL was founded in 2019 and currently has 1600+ scientist members who have signed the foundation’s World Climate Declaration stating that there is no climate crisis. The foundation’s objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the effects of climate policy. The listed objectives of CLINTEL include:

    1. Communicating objectively and transparently what facts are available about climate change and climate policy and identifying where facts turn into assumptions and predictions.

    2. Conducting and stimulating public debate about the issues along with carrying out investigative reporting in this field.

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