Alboran Energy Strategy Consutlatns

Energy Musings, April 3, 2023

Energy Musings contains articles and analyses dealing with important issues and developments within the energy industry, including historical perspective, with potentially significant implications for executives planning their companies’ future.

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April 4, 2023

It’s The Battery, Stupid! Really?

Ford disclosed it has lost billions over the past two years on its EV business and will lose another $3 billion this year. Never fear, Ford has a plan to reach profitability in two years. Really? READ MORE

What Happened To Oil Prices?

The banking turmoil spawned by SVB’s bankruptcy caused oil prices to crash. Traders sold its long holding and bought short ones. As the dust cleared, oil prices recovered as demand built. READ MORE

Here We Go Again With Offshore Wind Cost Fantasy

The Biden administration wants more offshore wind and announced dramatically lower cost targets. Costs are rising, not falling, and only models are showing any improvement in LCOE. READ MORE

Second European Oil CEO Assails Poor Green Energy Profits

Shell Oil’s new CEO is recrafting the company’s business strategy. He, like his bp counterpart, recognizes that renewables earn marginal returns and the world needs oil for “a long, long time.” READ MORE

Banking Crisis And Recession Fears Swamp Energy

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