August 2013
Musings From The Oil Patch, August 206, 2013
Shale Play Development Scenarios
Alboran is the right advisory partner if you require a better understanding of the risks and opportunities in the emergent global market for shale gas and liquids. Our asset appraisals are based on detailed analyses of the geology, petrophysics and rock mechanics of your particular shale asset and we can model the economic field development options.
Alboran uses the latest tools and methods, is process owner of DCF Shale Scenario Builder holds provisional patents to drilling technology innovation Smart Fracking Technology has evaluated numerous shale plays and related studies have been published by us in the peer reviewed domain. Alboran experts also can provide in-company training for evaluating and developing shale resources.
Unconventional Gas Resource Evaluation
Alboran conducts proprietary evaluations of your company’s unconventional resource efforts from an exploration and product ion effectiveness perspective. Our evaluation is aimed at formulating recommendations to improve the effectiveness of your internal procedures and technological efforts. We believe such periodic evaluation and benchmarking are essential for emerging unconventional gas operations to enable your company to better predict and monitor the success and outcome of current and future unconventional gas projects.
Assessing Gas Markets & Pricing Mechanisms
Alboran provides advisory services on gas market regulation and pricing mechanisms. Countries both within the EU – but also close to EU borders, should look outside their borders towards the United States and – indeed – the Far East, to see how the world’s gas market is evolving. They must consider expansion of import capacity by long-distance pipelines while taking into account the increasing global trade in spot LNG. The eventual arrival of both domestic shale gas and even overseas shale gas transported as LNG provides additional competition for conventional gas suppliers.
Expert Witness Testimony (Energy Rate Cases)
Alboran has in-depth knowledge of the gas value chain and quickly sees through the intricacies of the energy utility market. We can help your rate case settlement outcome by our unrivaled analytic capacities. Alboran possesses unique understanding of regulatory and downstream issues.
Alboran conducts original research in technology and strategy issues related to the energy value chain. Much of Alboran’s recent research focus has been on the natural gas value chain. We have analyzed the US gas value chain (downstream, midstream and back to the upstream) now documented in a string of reports. These studies provide support for Europe’s challenges in all segments of the natural gas business, for which the US provides a mature gas market example.
Leadership Readiness Assessment
Alboran’s Leader Readiness Inventory (ALRI™) provides a comprehensive framework for assessing and mapping the Leader Readiness & Development Objectives of your company’s current and future leaders.
Your senior executives are responsible for the corporate performance and must develop optimum leadership effectiveness. They must support your company’s drive for innovation with a vision for excellence and competitive distinction. Doing things the way they were always done is not enough. True leadership requires direct ion-setting skills that help realize the vision, including the definition of ambitious goals for the future. Your leaders are champions of change and can engineer and direct the execution of high quality strategic interventions, based on in-depth understanding of best-in-class practices.ALRI™ helps leaders determine their strengths and weaknesses. The assessment is summarized in a comprehensive plot of leadership readiness using a set of six competency clusters. This It has been applied successfully to benchmark the relative performance of Oil Majors, Independents, National Oil Companies, Natural Gas Transmission Companies and Energy Utilities.
Team Performance Optimization
Alboran has developed POSITIVE™, a tool for monitoring team performance, based upon the realization that the probability of success (POS) in teams is in part emotionally driven. POSITIVE™ supports teams in enhancing their POS to improve their performance. A port ion of the organizational resources and energy will go to waste if teamwork in your company remains ineffective. Organizations that know how to optimize teamwork are able to avoid undue delays in projects and realize better economic outcomes.
Corporate IQ Assessment
Corporate Intelligence enables energy companies to upgrade information into goal oriented applications and is needed to create asset value by making the right decisions at the right time. The assessment of a company’s Corporate IQ is done via an internal survey that probes whether managers see bottlenecks in their companies that could slow down organizational learning. The IQ survey tests also assess the quality of the corporate decision-making process. The outcome of the IQ assessment provides an index for your company’s Corporate IQ, with 140 as a ceiling. In short, the Corporate IQ is a performance indicator for the effectiveness of your company’s Corporate Brain.
Corporate Risk Management & Portfolio Balancing
Alboran uses the elephant in the room as a metaphor for a corporate responsibility issue that is present yet no one seated around the table wishes to either acknowledge or raise for discussion. That is why an external review of your corporate strategy and risk profile of your project portfolio can save your company from major setbacks.
Change Management & Strategy Implementation
Smart energy companies know that they must keep up with the speed of change and align their internal capabilities with the opportunities created by change in the external business environment. They must also recognize the implied dangers of the metaphorical ‘burning platforms’ and ‘melting icebergs’ and adjust their course before lethal damage can be inflicted. Your change management program often intensifies when a new strategic direct ion is chosen. This could be entering new markets, where the rivalry between competitors and collaborative arrangements with joint venture allies can be very challenging.
Energy Strategy Formulation & Validation
Alboran offers proprietary strategy counseling tailor-made for your energy business. Strategy planning begins at the portfolio level and requires leaps of imagination to break out of your corporate constraints to explore new project opt ions. Energy companies operate in a rapidly changing business landscape. The corporate strategy must respond to new market challenges and leads the company into new opportunities. Your corporate vision and strategy must guide your workers into exploring new products and services, expanding current ones, and entering into new markets. Strategy thinking is needed to create new pathways to leap forward.