- BSEE Vs. Offshore Service Industry: A Compromised Policy?
- Does Rebound In Price Signal Return To Health For Gas?
- Thoughts About The Changing Energy Industry Landscape
- Politics Hampers Efforts For Correcting Energy Imbalances
- Energy Poll Backs Obama But By People Without Knowledge
- Global Economic Growth Continues Slowing: Hurts Energy
- Everyone Loves Wind Energy Except For Its Neighbors
October 2012
Musings From the Oil Patch, October 23, 2012
Risk Management for Sustainable Profits
The E&P sector faces a steeply rising risk curve due to a combination of increasingly complex field development projects, rising country risks, highly volatile commodity prices and unstable credit markets. Crispian McCredie and Ruud Weijermars, Alboran Energy Strategy Consultants, argue that sustainable profits are generated by those companies with the most rigorous risk management framework. (more…)
Musings From the Oil Patch, October 9, 2012
- Is BSEE Regulation Another Example Of Ideological Agendas?
- Arabia’s Seasons Of Discontent And Saudi Black Swans
- Is America Knocking On The Door Of Energy Independence?
- Driving, Gasoline Use And Texas Subject Of NRDC Study
- Why Aren’t Gasoline Prices A Campaign Issue?
- Are GM’s Volt Sales Figures Being Manipulated?
- The Energy Debate According To VP Joe Biden