Alboran Energy Strategy Consutlatns

January 2010

  • Critical Drivers of Exploration and Production Clockspeed

    The performance of oil and gas companies takes place in a highly competitive market where everything is related to timing. In a bull market, companies that respond the fastest to internal and external signals of growth opportunities can take measures to further accelerate their growth. In a recessional market, companies can prevent overly steep deceleration of their business size by taking adequate action to adjust the company to the changed outlook without undue delay. Response time and timely measures are crucial for best-in-class performance, which is the result of supreme clockspeed management. Individual companies can perform better than others by monitoring the critical settings of their clockspeed and by rapidly synchronising their accelerators with the business environment when appropriate. In this article, the critical drivers of exploration and production (E&P) clockspeed and specific actions for clockspeed synchronisation and optimisation at individual companies are outlined.

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